Tuesday, August 10, 2010

History of electronic games and consoles

In the early 1970’s, the first gaming console entitled “Odyssey” was released on to the retail shelf of America. This gaming system included games such as Cat & Mouse, Tennis etc. Although only incorporating basic graphics and no elements of sound. This system is remembered as being the first commercial gaming console developed.

This type of system opened the way for the introduction of the extremely popular gaming system “Atari”. This classic gaming system introduced such video game classics as Donkey Kong, Space invaders, pac man etc. Into the general publics own home. While these games still only incorporated the simplistic design design of 2D graphics, it incorporated the use of basic sound effects into the games. Within a few years the Atari, would see a slip in sales due to the release of the classic Nintendo and sega consoles. These classic systems are well known for their retro status, their introduction of 8-bit processors. But what they are mainly remembered for in the introduction of two gaming characters Sonic the hedgehog and Super Mario. Also improved was the detail in the incorporated graphics and the use of a soundtrack to each game.

Within the next decade a new generation of gaming consoles would have been introduced. These new gaming systems such as the sega Mega system and the Super Nintendo would become to be known as the 16-bit era of consoles. During this time the graphics of the games were starting to experiment with a 3D design. Which improved the overall quality of the game and would also pave the way for the 128-bit era. Which consisted of games such as playstation system consoles and the Xbox 360. Games in this era were able to make a considerable improvement on game play and the overall design for future releases. Certain games have been so successful, that they have managed to be transformed from a classic game into a feature film and likewise. As many films these days, are being developed into games, in a way to further merchandise/advertise a current film.

From the 1972 release of the first video gaming system, entitled the “Magnavox Odyssey” in America. Ever since then there has been a immense level of development in platforms, designs and the manufacture of gaming systems and games in general. Even as I am writing this blog, new innovative technologies are being designed and incorporated into future consoles and games.

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