Monday, October 25, 2010


The card role playing game "Munchkins" is a really interesting card game. That we played during the week one session. Although I didn't quiet grasp the structure of the game, I still found it interesting and fun to play. They graphics were of a high quality and very eye catching.

My Idea of Fun

My idea of fun, would be something that can make me smile and really enjoy myself. When I hangout with a group of friends, we always seem to have fun. Because we enjoy each others company and we can all get along. In the reference to games, if the user can enjoy the game and enjoy playing it. It would be safe to assume, that the user has had a fun experience.

Narrative Structure of 2 Films

Munchkin Cards

New Rule #1

When one player dies, a nominated player is entitled to one of the players cards from they're inventory.

New Rule #2

During the game play, if one player rolls a pair of snake eyes twice in a row. The said player is allowed to pick any piece of armor, that they desire.